Saturday, November 6, 2010

Painting a Saturday walkabout,

A few hours walk around luxor  once I leave the tourist part of luxor  I am back in the real Egypt  unmade streets  in the natural environment of Luxor, where every day is market day
This is the area to buy if one needs goods at Egyptian prices  watch the person in front see how much they are charged then buy,

 Spices  in the local market street are fresh  because its sold all the time  in the tourist market  some spices can be ten years old  standing out in the sun all day.

geese Muscovy's and ducks  for sale
this is a sweet locally made  and a lot of it is sold  when they have the festivals the stalls are mainly this type of sweet  
some one must have guests coming for dinner.
one of the side streets leading to the new avenue of the sphinx
 This girl wanted to go see her little brother in school, this guard hit her on the arm with his truncheon  then closed the gate refusing her entry. such vicious bastards these guys are given a bit of authority and a uniform.
 its not the first time I have seen this kind of behaviour from guards.
This street is twenty ft from the avenue,

looking towards luxor temple already the gardens are being planted.
the mud brick wall  and the heritage centre soon to be demolished  unless Samir Faraq has had a change of mind  now the new building is finished in Awameia.
The avenue is almost all dug up ready for the finish  to building the path and sphinxes
 the last building  has now been demolished, A  mosque was the last building,
Just around the corner the infamous yellow line painter has been at work again this time painting the bougainvillea  plant.
even the donkey likes following the yellow lines
or is he getting free paint for his tyres.
and here it is a brand new contraption to paint yellow lines. the driver and crew are having a sleep in the park that has no entry into it other than climbing over the fence, it even has a guard keeping watch while his co shirkers have forty winks,  the guard has to walk in front of the  paint machine  to move any cars or larger obstructions in its path  

A rather well rigged out horse and trailer
I am now on the promenade area near the much visited museum this is the are that's is being lowered 3 meters. down to the Nile Waters level from Luxor to Karnak Temples 3 kilometers in length,
One wonders what will happen when they dig down 3 meters,  will they make ladders so the tourist can go in the museum.
this is the foot bridge they have made so hundreds of visitors can visit the museum.
No one takes any pride in their work this is a photo of some brickwork 200 yards from the museum'
in 12 courses of brickwork they have managed a course of pig.  IE  2 course one side and one the other,
 never mind this is Egypt  and the guys who make it all look good in the end are the painters, good old painters,
the skink loves a rough wall  its easier to climb looking for bugs.
like this Little white egret  she was after a dragonfly
this one is hoping for a fish
this one is camera shy and did not want its face on the web.
this one is showing me what the oil pollution  in the Nile is doing to its leg joints.
for the abruchi wasp spider life goes on catching a few of the flies that come to eat leftovers
the fantail cisticola  is busy making its nest
and this tiny abruchi has made such a lovely big web
then one always gets one guy out to spoil the day, now who wants a sail boat  when there is no wind, or with a guy looking for customers in his underwear,  no thank you not today. not ever,
the Kopak tree was looking like it had been painted with yellow streaks. but on closer inspection it is natural.
and 2 men with a job for life  painting the curbs in luxor with a 6" roller. unless the fumes from the paint  kill them 
the rails outside the rowing club after two months needed a new coat of paint,
umm,  did I say the rails
and to cap the day off I went up on the roof  my favourite restaurant in Luxor  not just for the view but the food is rather good  and one must think about his health, what do they say;- an army marches on its belly.

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